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Accessibility Matters

Black and white illustration of a stick person inside a circle, an accessibility icon

Accessibility matters in our communities. It matters in our schools. It matters in the upcoming election.

Did you know that candidates for municipal elections all receive materials about how to make their campaigns accessible? When I filed my nomination papers on June 29, this is the first info I read. Unsurprising, I'm sure, for those of you who know me as a long-time volunteer advocate for families in our community and an advisor to TVDSB on their Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC).

I'm inspired by trailblazers like Judy Heumann and people in our own community who often have to navigate around barriers others just don't notice. I want to know how I can improve. Before publishing my website, I worked to meet accessibility requirements. It has an accessible interface. I've been using ALT text on social media. I'm making sure YouTube videos have closed captioning before posting. My literature will be available in Braille. It will be shared in large print versions. If I speak in public, it will be at accessible locations. In online meetings I'm holding, there will be closed captioning or live transcripts available. I would like to have a sign language interpreter at events I host. I'm considering other possible barriers to access. We all matter in this community.

Check out how Judy Heumann introduces herself in recent video. I was fortunate to participate in this virtual event last week: It's a model for us all.

I want to hear about ways that I can improve. If you have suggestions, please let me know at beth at mai trustee dot ca or by calling or texting 519-868-8538.

Are you registered to vote in the municipal elections on Monday, October 24? You can check to make sure by clicking this link to the City of London's website:


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Beth Mai


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